Pour nous joindre
Kevin Hayes, Éthicien clinique
Téléphone : 514 340-8222 poste 23625/23928
Téléavertisseur : 514-413-2048
Heures d'ouverture
Lundi au vendredi, 8 h à 16 h
Où nous trouver
Pavillon A, bureau 910
A clinical ethicist is a professional who provides expertise in ethical analysis to clinical and organizational ethics issues arising in a healthcare environment. The ethicist, providing support to the appropriate decision-makers involved (patients, substitute decision-makers, healthcare professionals or administrators) ensures ethical issues are identified, that risks and benefits of proposed alternative courses of action are considered when there is uncertainty regarding value-laden concerns emerging in health care.
The ethicist will also work towards facilitating an ethical resolution through the planning of a fair process and the provision of a bioethics mediation approach.
The ethicist guided by the Ethics Framework of the organization also provides education, training and understanding of the concepts used in clinical practice.